Immigrant & Refugee Services

The Multicultural Resource Program (MRP) was implemented in 2008 through funding from the Illinois Department of Human Services to aid in the settlement and integration process for immigrant and refugee populations arriving in the country. And, in 2016, the MRP expanded when it received additional state funding through the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights to conduct the Immigrant Family Resources Program. Recently, between 2022 and 2023, NCR’s MRP program was a vital resource at city-run shelters and beyond, providing benefit-access assistance to thousands of individuals and families in need.

Today, the Multicultural Resource Program works with newly arriving migrants and refugees across Chicago—within established points of entry and beyond—empowering individuals and families, fostering self-sufficiency, and promoting sustainable community integration throughout the Chicago area.

Case management services include assistance in:

If you, a loved one, or a client, are an immigrant in need of securing public benefits, accessing immigration services, or have other essential needs, please contact us at 773-338-7722. Ext. 20 or

Funds for NCR’s Multicultural Resource Program are provided by the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights and by The Illinois Department of Human Services.